Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Grading Open for First Half of Fall 2022 Classes

 Online grade submission in NEIUport is now open for the First Half of Fall 2022 classes and will end by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, October 23rd.


Please review your courses in the NEIUport Faculty Grade Assignment channel to ensure that you are able to access your grade rosters.  If you are not able to log into NEIUport, please contact the Help Desk at helpdesk@neiu.edu.  For other grading questions or issues, please contact the Registrar’s Office for assistance by emailing registrar@neiu.edu.


Incomplete Grades

If you assign an incomplete grade to a student, you will see the date on which the student’s grade will become an “F” if the outstanding work is not completed per the Incomplete Grade policy.  You may input an earlier completion date if desired.  The Incomplete Grade policy is available by clicking here.   Additional information is available in the “Online Grade Submission Instructions” document in the Frequently Used Job Aids channel on the Faculty tab in NEIUport.


Grade Information

  • A listing of all grades and their descriptions is available on the Registrar Services page for your reference
  • NAF/RNAF grade: A student who never attended your class should be assigned the NAF or RNAF (Never Attended-Failure) grade
  • UWF/RUWF grade: A student who registered for your course, attended/was active at least one day of the course but who did not drop the class should be assigned the UWF or RUWF (Unofficial Withdrawal-Failure) grade along with providing the last date of attendance/activity


Other Helpful Information

  • Grades entered via D2L’s Grades tool are not official.  Official grades must be recorded via the Faculty Grade Assignment Channel in NEIUport.
  • A step-by-step grading instructions document (titled “Online Grade Submission Instructions”) is available in the Frequently Used Job Aids channel on the Faculty tab in NEIUport.
  • If a student is attending your class but his/her name does not appear on your final grade roster, the student is not registered.  Please email the Registration Office (registration@neiu.edu), along with having the student emailing the Registration Office.
  • Grades submitted after the grading deadline can create difficulties for students who need those grades to proceed with their academic plan.  Processes that can be affected include determining: a) which students did not receive passing grades in prerequisite courses, b) those students who repeated classes, c) academic standing changes, d) continued financial aid eligibility, and e) continued eligibility to live in student housing.

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